Input Directory

Approved inputs

This database contains a list of Approved Inputs for use in organic systems via Pro-Cert’s Input Approval program.

Please confirm substances you wish to use are approved for the Standard or Program you are certified to.  Substances may also be restricted by usage annotations which must be followed when applying the substance as part of an Organic System Plan.

Any substance used must still be included as on your Organic System Plan and/or updates to the same.  It is recommended that you collect a copy of the Approved Input Certificate from the supplier for your file.  A copy of the certificate may be required by your certification body.

Products listed as Approved under COS (CAN/CGSB-32.311) may be used by operators certified to the Canada Organic Regime (COR) or those outside the COR Scope and certified to the Canadian Standards (CAN/CGSB-32.310 and .312).

These substances have been reviewed and found compliant with the compositional requirements of the specified programs. Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd. does not provide any warranty, guarantee or other endorsements for products approved via the Input Approval Program and/or listed on this database.